We now have the Brushed Bronze US10 Door Kick Plates online!

We now have the Brushed Bronze US10 Door Kick Plates online!  These plates are made from a solid bronze plate that is brushed and then clear coated.  The Door Kick Plates are .050″ thick and come in standard sizes of 6″ and 8″ tall and widths of 28″, 30″, 32″ and 34″ wide online, but we will also do custom sizes up to a 1/64″ tolerance.  This material was very popular in the 1940’s thru the early 1970’s. in many commercial applications like schools, universities, YMCA’s and churches.  The plates are a brass color with a hint of orange in them.  The US10 finish is also known as a 612 finish.  The plates come standard with beveled edges and counter sunk screw holes and screws.

Categories Kick Plates
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