
Master Lock’s new 3630, 3631 and 3670 Multi User Locks

Master Lock's new 3630, 3631 and 3670 Multi User Locks allows a locker user to set their own temporary 3-digit…

Are your lockers ADA Compliant? Look at the Digilock Locks

If you have physically challenged students, you might want to look at the Digilock Locker Locks.  They offer 3 models…

We can get almost any locker handle made in the last 75 years!

We can get almost any Locker Handle made in the last 75 years!  Most of the Locker Handles and Lockers…

Locker Hardware-Hooks, Number Plates, Screws, Bolts, Rivets

Are you looking for Locker Hardware-Hooks, Number Plates, Screws, Bolts, Rivets.  The best place to look is on our Locker…

Looking for just locker hardware, try our rblockers.com site

If you are looking for school hallway locker and locker room hardware and locker hardware only, try our Locker Hardware…

Locker hardware parts Manufacturer part numbers now online

Robert Brooke and Associates, and our RBA Powered Website, RBLockers.com now have all the manufactures part numbers on the website.  …

Republic steel #10, also known the Berger #10 locker handle

The Republic steel #10, also known the Berger #10 locker handle was made from 1960-1962.  This was one of the…

Republic Storage #8 Locker Handle – 1936 to 1959

The Republic Storage #8 locker handle was made from 1936 to 1969.  This locker handle was the only locker handle…

Republic Storage 2 piece locker handle #12, ours are better

Have you noticed how the replacement Republic Storage # 12 Locker Handles you have been purchasing lately are breaking more…

Locker hardware and parts, our handles are made in America

Most of the locker hardware today, especially the casting are made over seas.   We started making out locker handles in…